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Moving Pets Long Distance

Relocating, whether it is for work, school, or a fresh beginning with your family, can take a significant amount of work and time to complete from start to finish. This is particularly true for individuals who have never moved before and have decided to relocate to a different province or country with a pet. Unlike travelling to your new location with children and other members of your family, moving pets can be a daunting task that needs to be performed correctly to ensure the safety and comfort of your animals. As such, we understand that you may have questions regarding moving pets long distances. This is why we’ve put together a list of some of the most frequently asked questions we often receive as a professional long-distance moving company in hopes that pet owners can find some clarity on the process before the date of their scheduled move. Therefore, for more information about moving your pets long distances, keep reading.


How can I make my pets’ long distance move easier?


Moving a long distance is more difficult for animals than it is for you because they do not comprehend what is happening. What they can tell, however, is that something isn’t right in their daily routine. As such, the more you do ahead of time to calm them down during their journey, the happier and healthier everybody will be. Making the decision to collaborate with a professional long-distance moving company with a credible and reliable business is the first step toward lowering the stress of a long-distance move for your pet. This is why it is essential that you choose a company with an excellent record for handling pets with the same attention and consideration that you do in your own household.


Beyond this, after choosing a professional long-distance moving company to assist you with your move, you will also want to take your pet to see its veterinarian. During this check-up appointment, you will want to confirm with your veterinarian that your pet is healthy and able to make the long-distance move. Furthermore, it is essential to note that if you require air transportation during your long-distance move, most airplanes will not allow you to sedate your pet in order to transport them. Therefore, it is imperative that you consider the following methods to calm your pet down as much as possible before your move:


  1. Get a comfortable kennel for your pet.


Shipping pets by air, whether nationally or internationally, necessitates the use of an air carrier kennel, as these kennels are precisely created to keep your animal secure throughout its journey. There should be no rough edges that could injure your cat or dog, and there should be plenty of ventilation. As such, if your pet does not currently have a travel kennel, we suggest purchasing one as soon as possible and allowing them to become familiar with it. It will help them naturally become more comfortable with being in their kennel for long periods of time.


  1. Consider cabin transportation


If your pet is a smaller size, you may be able to have it with you on your flight. Therefore, we suggest speaking with your airline to determine what size and weight they allow in flight before deciding whether this is an option for you.


  1. Keep your pet on a regular schedule as much as possible.


Change frightens pets, so try to maintain a regular routine for them as much as possible. To do so, feed them at their usual time and location. Enable more than enough one-on-one time for them and try to take your pet to daycare or keep them in another room when moving-related operations are particularly messy.


Should I take my pets to the vet before moving?


As we mentioned above, it is always suggested that you take your pet to the vet before moving, especially when you’re moving a long distance. Your veterinarian can assist you in preparing your pet for relocation. You’ll need to ensure that all of their shots are up to date if you are moving to a new country. Furthermore, anxious pets may exhibit unusual behaviour, such as nibbling when they ordinarily would not. The same can be said for peeing inside. Talk to your vet regarding possibilities for soothing your pet, especially if you know your pets are prone to anxiety. Your veterinarian will be capable of advising you on the best natural methods for calming your pet down during the moving period.


Furthermore, once you arrive at your destination, before releasing your pet when you make it to your new destination, make sure your new residence and any outside yards are pet-proof. In addition, you should aim to spend a significant amount of time reassuring and entertaining your pet afterward. Confirm that they are aware of their new location and that you have a sufficient supply of their familiar possessions at the new residence that can help them feel comfortable and relaxed. While a few new toys might be fun, you might want to hold off on buying a brand-new bed for your pet until you and your family have settled in your new home.


How can I make my pets comfortable during the ride?


On the other hand, your long-distance move requires vehicle transportation rather than airplanes; it is essential to make your pet as comfortable as possible during the ride. To do this, you want to expose them to your car as much as possible before the day of your move. This includes taking them for your rides and using lots of treats to praise their behaviour. We suggest starting with short rides and slowly increasing the length of them so they become more accustomed to longer travel times. Beyond this, consider installing a pet safety seat if you do not wish to use a kennel. This will help them stay safe and in one comfortable place in the car while you are on the road.


How can I keep them safe?


Moreover, beyond keeping your pets comfortable during your long-distance move, it is also equally important to keep them safe. Therefore, what you will first want to do is take your car to the mechanic and ensure that everything is working correctly. This will help you avoid complete breakdowns during your journey.


After that, make a decision on how you will transport your pets in your vehicle. The ideal spot is generally in the back of the car, away from any of the airbags. At the same time, If your pets are excitable or unfamiliar with road transport and being in your car for long periods of time, you may want to consider a method to make sure they stay in one location while you are on the road. Some standard techniques that you can consider include backseat barriers, harnesses, and carriers that attach to a seat belt to restrict movement in the scenario where you are forced to suddenly stop. Furthermore, keep in mind that your pets should also have the freedom to be able to move around and sleep soundly.


Furthermore, the very last thing you want to do is to rummage through your belongings to find the items your pet requires while travelling. You’ll need a basic first-aid kit, veterinarian documents, more than enough of your pet’s regular food, water, travel bowls, a preferred stuffed animal or two, treats, and a blanket, among other items that will help ensure your pet’s complete comfort throughout your journey. We should also note that pet owners should pack extra food in addition to their travel kit in case they can’t find their favourite brand at their destination. This allows pets to gradually adjust and prevents stomach issues from happening, which can offset their behaviour and make the adjustment period in their new home more stressful.


Final thoughts on moving your pets long distance.


Moving long distances is a stressful endeavour, especially when you have pets. This is why it is essential to make sure you and your family are well-prepared ahead of time. Remember, your pet is a part of your family. As such, you will want to make sure that you have ticked off all your boxes to ensure your pet’s complete comfort and safety during your travels. At the same time, it is also crucial that you partner with a professional and reliable long-distance moving company that can help you prepare your home and personal belongings for the journey ahead of you. Furthermore, they can also help with packing, unpacking, and other additional services that can take some of the stress and responsibilities off of your shoulders.


Are you moving long distances with your family and pets? If so, it’s time to partner with a professional moving company that has your best interests in mind.


Atlas Care has more than 50 years of experience aiding Canadians to relocate across the country and all over the world, and we are ready to ensure you arrive safely. As a result, if you’re currently in the initial stages of planning your long-distance move and need assistance, our team of friendly and experienced professionals is available to assist you whenever you need it.


Request a free moving quote from Atlas Canada’s long-distance movers today! We look forward to helping you move your family, pets, and belongings safely.